1957 J No.2. Clyfford Still
Was just reminded of how much I love Clyfford Still's paintings. I first fell in love with his work at art A' level where I became obsessed with american abstract expressionism. Barnett Newman was another favourite of mine... cue many attempts to emulate said works in a project which was about interiors and exteriors (my whole thing was about the inside of a home - skeletal structure of a building versus the human energy within it - house versus home type thing...). Was trying to find a photo of one of my final projects where it was rather obvious who the inspiration was (I told you, I was obsessed!) but sadly that was before the days of digital... saying that, I've just had a peek around two old files in my flat (which hadn't been moved since the day I moved in... erm, 2 and a half years ago) and found one! All the proper pics for my portfolio at the time are, funnily enough still in my portfolio, hidden in my parents house. I say photos, as the pieces were about 3 foot high and something like 5 foot long (maybe bigger) and there were 3 of them. Not ones my parents could easily stick on the fridge...
Anyway here's a little photo of my attempt at being an abstract expressionist when I was a little young 'un (I had to take a photo of the photo on the floor, as my scanner is too much work to set up...)

painting by me, aged 17 and a half.
Pointless post really... bit of a stream of consciousness with a tinge of nostalgia. Seriously though, do check out Still's work. Some of it really is quite beautiful.
A start? http://tiny.cc/MQP74
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