I've never had a blog and the prospect frightens me rather. However, having looked at various people's blogs with thoughts, photographs and sounds, in fear of sounding too earnest, I thought I'd try and focus my mind a bit more and share similar such things (mostly photographs of my own making). Yes, I've a big ego begging to be set free.
So hope you're not too bored having a peek at my work and rambles... and I warn you now I have NO concept of grammar. Although I do know that 'less' should not be mistaken for FEWER*.
(*thank you Angus)
This photo was taken by myself on Devil's Mountain, otherwise known as Teufelsberg, in Berlin as we walked up to the abandoned US 'listening station' situated on top of the man-made hill. (More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teufelsberg). It was sunset and the light was beautiful. I shot this on my trusty LC-A+ on Fuji Provia colour neg (200iso).
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